Month: December 2024
By Vincent Xavier, Pastor New Wine Ministries
The days of Elijah are no more! My voice has gone forth into all the earth, the echoing
sound has vibrated into the remotest parts of the world. All nations are witnessing the
atmospheric changes and have called these changes many things, yet it is I who have
caused these things to come to pass for the words of Elijah have circled the earth and
have shaken the foundations thereof. However, this has been done in accordance with the
pattern I have given in my word and that pattern reveals the DAY OF THE LORD! In
this DAY of the Lord you will come to know the Jesus Ministry, duplicated and double
portioned. Yes, the works that have been, shall be done again with greater witness and
greater power than before. For I am bringing my many sons to Glory to reveal my Day.
This is my many membered Body coming to fullness as the transition takes place. You
Elijah or John had MY SPIRIT IN THEM. NO! They had MY SPIRIT ON THEM! I
have said that there is none greater than John the Baptist, yet he who is least in the
Kingdom of heaven shall be greater than him. Since the days of John and the voice of the
prophets, a BODY has been built, knit together. The workers (five-fold ministry and other
ministries sent by the Father to build his house) shall stand back and see their work come
forth. What is the work of the Prophet? What is the work of the Apostle? What is the
work of the Evangelist? What is the work of the teacher? What is the work of the Pastor?
Their work was to build up the Body of Christ, anointed men and women who have been
placed in the Body to function as their head did and does function. I say that the DAY
TO ARISE IN THE EARTH> This is the DAY of CHRIST! The builders must set back
and see their work prosper in the earth. My rewards are great for those whom I have sent
to BUILD. Oh you say, it is hard to see these things, yet I tell you that it is hard to see the
turning of a new day. It is hard to see any difference between 11:59pm and 12:01am, yet
truth declares the New Day has dawned. Yes, the voice of the prophets have circled the
earth and their words do resound in every place. Their sound shall be stronger and
stronger as their words make contact in the place I have sent them. Yet you must know
that this DAY is to those who have been built up! I say therefore to the BODY OF
CHRIST, ARISE! ARISE! ARISE! You who have been as the clay at the hand of the
potter, your DAY has come. The MASTER has finished his work in you! To those who
understand these things they shall know that the work is done, they have been prepared
and are now sent forth to do the works that I have done. These shall heal the sick, raise
the dead, cast out demons, shut up the heavens and do all the woks I have done and even
greater works. DUPLICATION AND DOUBLE PORTION POWER! My bone of my
bone and flesh of my flesh, humbled, submitted and ready to go. These shall go even as I
went, doing only what they see the Father do and say only what they hear the Father say.
These shall usher in the reign of my Kingdom and shall subdue and conquer every enemy
of mine. The DAY has come wherein all weapons of war shall cease and I will reign in
the midst of Jerusalem, (the heart of my people) My judgment and justice shall govern
the nations and my truth shall shine in all the earth. Yes, these are the days of Glory and
manifestation. These are the days of completion and promises fulfilled. YES, THIS IS
We are so glad you have found us. We are confident that our connection to one another is going to be a healthy and prosperous encounter. It is our hope and desire to be a blessing to you, as we know that you are a blessing to us. Together we can equip the saints, warn the wicked, encourage the weak and open the hearts and minds of people all over the world. Through our connection, we can go where no man has gone before and reach beyond the stars into the eternal realms of Almighty Gods Spirit and power. So lets begin this journey together and see where the Lord will lead us.